Friday, June 8, 2012

Dango (Sticky rice dumplings in savory sweet sauce)

My Local Dango
adapted from
1 1/2 cup ground glutninous rice
1 tbsp cornstarch
3/4 cup (more or less) cold water
1 pot boiling water
1/4 cup very dark course sugar
1/2 cup water
1 tbsp cornstarch (dissolved in the 1/2 c water)
4 tbsp soy sauce
1 piece star anise
equipment neded:
a pot for boiling water
slotted spoon
bowl of cold water (to cool dumnplings)
grill pan
sauce pan for the sauce
bamboo skewers
1. Mix together the glutinous rice flour and water. The liquid and rice flour separates at first but once you mix it thoroughly it will form a soft dough that is soft and dry to the touch.
2. Form into small balls the size as a regular starwberry only well, very much circular. This recipe yields 25 pieces.
3. Boil water in the pot adding a teaspoon of salt. Add the dumplings a few at a time. Once cooked the dumplings will float. Cook for 3 minutes more then scoop out with the slotted spoon. immediately dunk into the bowl of cold water. Repeat procedure with the rest of the dumplings.
4. Put the dumplings into a skewer, 2 or 3 or 4 per skewer. Pierce the dumplingg in the middle. Yes, you can do it. My 7 year old assistant was able to so have faith. Set aside.
5. Make the sauce. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Stirring constantly until it has thickened.
6. Grill the skewered dumpling on a grill pan. Do not oil the grill pan. Just grill it as it is until black burn marks appear.
7. Pour sauce over grilled dumplings. Serve and eat right away.

This was originally posted at

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